WHAT IF IT WAS . . . .



Welcome to the Best Mob Blog.

Here you can create your own mobs or individual duels between celebrities in all films. 

"What if" is the question on our minds here. So what if a certain celebrity fought against another celebrity? Who do you think would win?

Ask yourself, what weapons from which movie would they use? What characters would the actors use during the duel?
Would Sly Stallone fight in his prime as the character of Rocky, or as the old man in Cop Land? Would John Travolta fight as the sissy from the film Grease, or would he fight as the bad guy from the film Face Off? Who would they fight? Each other or someone else?

You pick your mob. 
Try plotting several characters against each other. What do you think would happen? Sometimes the author will pick characters for you and it's up to you to post your comments on who would win the fight. 

It's all fiction in the end but it's fun to imagine.

This blog was created as a special project for a visual design course at Florida International University. It is intended for fun and for educational purposes. The images used here were obtained from various google searches and edited in Photoshop. All opinions are original!

Friday, March 14, 2008


Will there be blood? Who's will it be?

Peter Parker or "Spider Man" is one of America's most loved under dogs in the world of superheroes. His soft and sissy real self changes each time he puts on a spider suit and transforms into the gallant character of Spider Man. City dwellers marvel at the amazing acrobatics of this super bug and all he does to protect the people against evil. However, when matched against Europe's powerful magician, Harry Potter, does Spidey have what it takes to face magic?

Harry Potter, with a world full of fans and a library of magic skills can easily turn any bug into mush, even a  spider man. Potter also has the support of his fellow magic buddies for backup in case the Spider Man's web gets too thick. Potter, armed with his magic wand can easily zap away bugs in an instant! 

Who would win? Place your bets now!


chancho51 said...

Peter Parker would probably win in a fight against Harry Potter. I just don't see Potter as being too aggressive in his roles. Usually his roles are stupid fantasy. Spiderman however gets vicious when the bad guys mess with him; especially his chick. Spiderman would probably wrap Potter up in a web and beat his ass, but only if he can strike before Potter uses his magic wand.

PhilllpFrye said...

Parker would definitely win. He does seem weak sometimes as his human self in Spiderman, but when he puts on his suit he can tear things up. Harry doesn't seem like the violent type. He's like a Disney villian. There is however the risk that Harry Potter could turn Spiderman into a real spider and then squash him like a bug. It depends on the speed of each during combat.

mikegems said...

You both are right about Spider Man. I think he might win against Potter. I see the fight as being won by the character with most experience. Remember that Harry started his magical training as a kid whereas Peter Parker became Spider Man as a teenage adult. Harry is now a grown man and he's still doing magic! I wonder if they would fight in the city or in a castle?

Firemouth said...

Did anyone even think what would happen if Mary Jane got involved with Harry Potter? That would really put a cramp in Spider Man's day. I bet that if Harry hooked up with Mary Jane and stole her away from Peter Parker, then Spider Man wouldn't fight as himself. Remember even the earlier Spider Man movies where Peter Parker lost his confidence and couldn't even stick to a wall when trying to use his spider powers? That's the way to weaken the bug! Go Potter!

chancho51 said...

Spider Man should move on and forget Mary Jane. She's not all that anyways. Besides, he's Spider Man! He can fly around and literally pick up any chick he wants. He should hook up with another superhero so they can team up against Potter and his squad of dorks. Those magic guys are soft! Why doesn't Spider Man pair up with the Green Goblin's son and both can use their powers to crush Potter? The Green Goblin's son has awesome fire power and explosives that I'm sure would crumple any castle that Potter hides in.

La Verga mia said...

You guys don't give enough credit to Harry Potter. He's got fans all over the world and I'm sure he can raise his own army to beat Spider Man and that green idiot on his flying carpet.

Potter and his team should arm themselves with RAID to spray the life out of Spider Man. I don't think Spider Man's defenses can hold up to good old fashioned can of bug spray. After they beat the spider dork, they should auction that suit on e-bay. The suit is the only cool thing about Spider Man.